Thursday, May 14, 2009

Would you like a heart attack with your dementia followed by a side of stroke?

Last night was not a good night. Mom became obsessed with the idea that someone entered her room and moved her clothes. This is an increasingly common theme with Alzheimer and dementia patients- loss and the idea that someone stole something.

Because I was tired, (it was after 10 pm), I was not as tactful as I might have been and the whole thing escalated from there. I walked away and listened to her rant until the wee hours. Mom also has nightmares, so she doesn't sleep.

Next week we visit a geriatric specialist who can help us deal with the paranoia that comes along with this package. I have been advised that we need to add anti-psychotics to the treatment. These are needed to calm the patient down, because without them the patient becomes easily agitated.

The side affects are stroke or heart attack. The key I'm told is titration. That's a word I haven't heard since high school chemistry.
To put it in perspective; a glass of wine a day is good for you. A case of wine a day is not good for you and can result in cirrhosis, etc.

I'm learning the hard way, that this is a progressive disease. I understand it intellectually, but it's different when you experience it first hand.
I don't think that I was prepared to take this on.

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