Monday, November 29, 2004

I got an A

Finally, the test I sweated about is over. I got a perfect paper. My overall average for the course was 98.5 I still don't understand that one, but I will accept it all thankfully.
I'm really tired and have another paper due Wednesday and my last final the following Wednesday, then I'm thru for 4 weeks. Yippee.
Now I know what Resa meant in her note at the end of the her exams.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

This Sunday was very trying....

I took my daughter back to school. We left at 3:15 pm but because of heavy traffic, I didn't return home until after 8:00pm. When you consider I worked the Wednesday and Friday before and after the holiday; and had a final to try to study for, you could understand why I was exhausted .
It finally dawned on me, no matter how young you feel or act, the body will kick you in the behind everytime.
Oh well, to quote Scarlett O'Hara, "Tomorrow's another day!"

Saturday, November 27, 2004

This is my first post

This is my first post and I'm sitting here trying to figure out what to say.
I find the idea of posting a journal online intriguing and at the same time somewhat voygeuristic.

I'm watching MIB II and the Christmas version of Decorating Cents at the same time. Let's hear it for PIP!

I have a final on Monday and I haven't picked up the material to go thru it. It's not that I'm brilliant, far from it, but lately everytime I pick it up the study sheets, I fall asleep. Not a good omen. Anyway, all of you out there who have finals coming up, how do you do it. I don't know how I made it thru the first time around!