Tuesday, December 27, 2005

For other Farscape fans

I found this posted on youtube by justinroniuk. It is an unaired episode of the pilot. The quality is a bit grainy, but we get to see Creighton. Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

A History lesson

I usually don't post twice in one day, but this was just too deliciously tongue in cheek not to share. Some of you may be offended. Too bad!

This is from youtube.com and was created by GrandPooOfAwesome.

something new to me

A friend told me to go to youtube.com to check out some of the latest anime series; so last week I went to their site and found the funniest clip from Southpark that I had ever seen.
For those of you who love the series...it's at it's irreverant best.
check this out.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Sometimes it's just good to be.....

I'm not really planning on doing a whole lot today. In fact, after I get off work, I will probably just go home and chill for the rest of the evening. I had all these plans of running a zillion errands, but frankly I am tired.

Anyway, Christmas will be very light this year in terms of gifts. But you know what, I really am okay with that. And if any expectant recipient of my largesse is disappointed, that's okay too.

Since October, I have been working non-stop to take care of a tax problem that I have. So I took a part-time job to raise additional funds. As always, when you try to save life happens. This time life appeared in the form of my furnace going out. Fortunately it could be repaired but I will need to replace it this year.

Reflectively speaking, it's been an eventful year (hot water heater died, child's heart condition and pre-diabetic condition diagnosed, loss of tuition money, fractured ankle and loss of pay, etc...). I'm glad it's almost over and grateful for the perspective I've gained. But when all is said and done, today I'm just tired.

Sometimes it's just good to be.....

Merry Christmakwaanzahanukah to all!!!!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Holiday Madness

I am definitely the underachiever of my crowd. I called an old friend who lives in Boston to wish her a happy birthday. She happened to mention that she recently heard from an old college friend who is now a minister and his wife was just named the first surgeon-general of the state of Michigan!
Additionally, another college friend of ours is now a professor at Georgetown U in DC. I wonder what I did wrong besides be a another kid who didn't make up her mind what she wanted to do in life and then she had a job rather than a career:-(

All kidding aside, this is the time of year when relatives come out the woodwork to emotionally blackmail you into doing things that you either can't or don't want to do.

Yesterday, I got a phone call from my former mother-in-law inviting my daughter and I to VA for Christmas if we had no plans. I was taken surprised but touched. Unfortunately for her, my mom is traveling to Charlotte to spend Christmas with me this year and I told her that.

Today I get a call from my ex-husband telling me that he called my daughter to invite her to spend Christmas with him this year and that she seemed a bit torn. He said he knew that my mother was coming and wanted to know what I thought about her spending Christmas with them since they haven't seen her in so long. I told him that I thought he was extremely selfish since he already knew the girl's grandmother was coming to see her. But the decision is hers. I did propose the possibility of her going up after Christmas an spending the new year with him if she wanted.
I wonder who they think is going to bring her since I do not plan on driving 12 hrs round trip by myself to take her there and come back.

I'll keep you posted!