Friday, December 01, 2006

Life goes on!

It's been a very long time since I've been here. As my young friend Terri says, " Stuff happens to me!"

Since my last visit I worked on the United Way of Central Carolinas 2006 campaign. We were only $800,000 shy of goal when I left. All of the other people there willl have to spend the rest of the month chasing money. The good news is that we did raise about $43,522,311 which represented about a 6.5% increase above last year.

The UW also celebrated its 75th anniversary in the Carolinas. Imagine, 75 years ago people pooled their efforts so they could make the ask of the community only once. It's grown to funding 97 agencies which offered 200 programs. I hope I will get the opportunity to do it again sometime.

I began online dating. So far I've met a minister, musician, plumber and a man who works for the feds. The minister turned out to be a slickster, the musician was too weird and the plumber was just creepy, we'll see what happens with the fed.

I'm actually getting out and meeting people. You know, I believe apple martinis are the next best thing to ambrosia!
I am throwing a party on December 16th. Why don't you come?

Friday, September 22, 2006

Thursday, September 21, 2006

I am sleepless in Charlotte. Who in their right mind would be working on a blog at this hour when they are tired and their eyes are burning? Me, that's who!

Anyway, it's been a very busy week and I cannot wait for the weekend. I have given presentation after presentation and it's been fun, but I am a bit tired. Just drowned another year after all. Last Saturday I went to a qiencirena?? We had mole, tamales,enchiladas and roasted jalepeno peppers. Did I mention beer?

My wonderful friend Resa gave me Buffy- season 7 for my birthday and on Sunday I may have a Buffypoluzza! This Saturday marks Nilsa's baby shower. Wow, did time fly. Well, I'm off to bed now.
Ungrammatically yours,
Yahoo! Avatars

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Happy Birthday to me!

Well, I am almost done with another birthday. Another birthday! I have heard from everyone and now I can put this one in the corner to drown too!
Today was busy. I volunteered to work with the United Way as a loaned executive. Today one of my accounts had their kick-off for their 2007 United Way campaign. We had six agencies such as BSA, Alexander Youth Network, 2-1-1, Crisis Assistance, and some others. Great speakers, good music. It almost felt like I was celebrating my day.
I went out to dinner with friends. Thai food....mmmmmm!
I'm playing with my new IPOD shuffle and one of these centuries I amy find music to load onto it.
Anyway, life is good and I am going to bed!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

my new passion...Hindi movies

I recently redicovered an old passion of mine. Years ago, I used to go to the $1.00 movie on saturdays where they would show the latest from Bollywood. And even though I could not understand a word, the color dance and artistry held considerable appeal.

Here is a snippet from the movie Ka Ho Na Ho.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The Boondocks-Allure AKA Huevito's Way

This is nice. Thanks stirams26.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Empty Posts

When I opened my blog the other day I noticed that several of the clips that I borrowed from You tube were gone.

At first I thought that somehow someone removed them. But later found out that the networks consider the snippets as proprietary property ;and the amateurs who linked these snippets to their own websites pirates.

I guess I never thought of it in that vein so the snippets are gone nevermore to be seen again. So sorry.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

New Post

This is just a post to say that I haven't posted in a while. Sorry, there's no more.

(No words were harming in the making of this post)

Monday, March 27, 2006

South Beach progress report


I lost 12 lbs in the first 5 days and spent about $100 weekly for food trying to buy raw foods.
I went away for a weekend and slipped. I had no idea how hard it is to find food you can eat on the road.
We left NC about 5:30 am without doing more than swallowing some juice. I reached the VA border around 8:45. We stopped at Arnold's Diner (yes there is one) but they didn't have any Canadian bacon which is the only type I am allowed to eat. So I ate regular pre diet breakfast.
Later, when we reached our destination, I had a slice of home made apple pie (made with Splenda) and a grilled chicken salad.
The following morning, we all went to IHOP for breakfast where I had pancakes, eggs, bacon and juice.
The Monday following our trip, my cravings came back bigger and better than ever. It started with an innocent jolly rancher, then two , then three... (insert theme from Jaws)
To date , I regained 5 of my 12 lb loss and have not yet been able to get beyond phase one.
I'm not giving up though and neither should you!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

South Beach anyone?

One, I've done the reading. Two, I've looked at the menus. Three, I've got the mindset. So go.....
I have made up my mind to start the South Beach plan.
I've tried everything elso so it can't hurt. When I go to the family reunion in August, I want to be bloody marvelous!
It also helps that I am in the process of having extensive dental work done so, I can't really chew:-(

My daughter asked if someone lives in a dorm, how do they follow the plan? When was the last time that the cafeteria used anything but carbs? Anyone have any experience with this?

Monday, February 06, 2006

New Year Resolutions

Every year I make a resolution to do several things different and every year I fail. Why? Because new year resoulutions are meant to be made on January 1 and broken by January 27! This year I lasted until February 1st.

This year I resolved to: eat better so I could lose weight, excercise more by taking my dog Winston for long walks, to manage my money better by creating an emergency fund for emergencies, to clean up my credit so that I can be a better steward of what I have been blessed with.

Of course eating out all the time has little to do with eating healthy. Winston, my bearded collie, likes to pull, sniff and pee on every bush in creation. There is a problem with irresponsible owners who ignore the leash laws in our community, so Fluffy feels free to snarl at me and my dog while we're walking and minding our own business.

My emergency fund plan lasted 2 pay periods when I had, you guessed it, an emergency! I am in the process of refinancing my house so that I can afford to live like a human being again. (Don't every get an ARM- that's for another tale)

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting different results. I'm not insane, but something is definitely not right.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

salute to MLK boondocks style

I found this on It operated on the premise that instead of dying, MLK remained in a coma for 40 years. When he awoke, he was truly disappointed with the state of Black America.
Some of you may be offended by the use of the N-word.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I have 2 words for you...oral surgery

I have been under the weather. Friday, Jan 6th I left work early because I had an asthma attack. I took my breathing treatment and shot in the ehinnie like a big girl and went home to rest.
The following Monday, I was in pain so I called my dentist and asked to come in. I had a filling (I thought)fall out earlier.
My dentist looked and said the tooth could not be saved and referred me to an oral surgeon.
As it turned out the tooth had cracked below the gumline and was abcessed. The roots went into the sinus cavity.
Can I tell you that flexible spending accounts are the best thing that I've done for me in a while?
I ended up taking the entire week off. As my friend Lena put it, I looked like I was in a fight and lost.
Today is my first day back and I'm leaving early to have the stitches removed.
Can you say ouch somebody?

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Season premiere of 24

Today at work we began a discussion of the new season of our favorite tv shows. The odds on favorite is , of course, 24.
We are all so very excited by Keifer Sutherland's recognition in the form of the Golden Globe Award. Yay, Keifer! Big props, man!

So in honor of Keifer and crew. Here's a clip of the Season 5 teaser as provided by Fox and