Tuesday, December 27, 2005

For other Farscape fans

I found this posted on youtube by justinroniuk. It is an unaired episode of the pilot. The quality is a bit grainy, but we get to see Creighton. Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

A History lesson

I usually don't post twice in one day, but this was just too deliciously tongue in cheek not to share. Some of you may be offended. Too bad!

This is from youtube.com and was created by GrandPooOfAwesome.

something new to me

A friend told me to go to youtube.com to check out some of the latest anime series; so last week I went to their site and found the funniest clip from Southpark that I had ever seen.
For those of you who love the series...it's at it's irreverant best.
check this out.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Sometimes it's just good to be.....

I'm not really planning on doing a whole lot today. In fact, after I get off work, I will probably just go home and chill for the rest of the evening. I had all these plans of running a zillion errands, but frankly I am tired.

Anyway, Christmas will be very light this year in terms of gifts. But you know what, I really am okay with that. And if any expectant recipient of my largesse is disappointed, that's okay too.

Since October, I have been working non-stop to take care of a tax problem that I have. So I took a part-time job to raise additional funds. As always, when you try to save life happens. This time life appeared in the form of my furnace going out. Fortunately it could be repaired but I will need to replace it this year.

Reflectively speaking, it's been an eventful year (hot water heater died, child's heart condition and pre-diabetic condition diagnosed, loss of tuition money, fractured ankle and loss of pay, etc...). I'm glad it's almost over and grateful for the perspective I've gained. But when all is said and done, today I'm just tired.

Sometimes it's just good to be.....

Merry Christmakwaanzahanukah to all!!!!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Holiday Madness

I am definitely the underachiever of my crowd. I called an old friend who lives in Boston to wish her a happy birthday. She happened to mention that she recently heard from an old college friend who is now a minister and his wife was just named the first surgeon-general of the state of Michigan!
Additionally, another college friend of ours is now a professor at Georgetown U in DC. I wonder what I did wrong besides be a another kid who didn't make up her mind what she wanted to do in life and then she had a job rather than a career:-(

All kidding aside, this is the time of year when relatives come out the woodwork to emotionally blackmail you into doing things that you either can't or don't want to do.

Yesterday, I got a phone call from my former mother-in-law inviting my daughter and I to VA for Christmas if we had no plans. I was taken surprised but touched. Unfortunately for her, my mom is traveling to Charlotte to spend Christmas with me this year and I told her that.

Today I get a call from my ex-husband telling me that he called my daughter to invite her to spend Christmas with him this year and that she seemed a bit torn. He said he knew that my mother was coming and wanted to know what I thought about her spending Christmas with them since they haven't seen her in so long. I told him that I thought he was extremely selfish since he already knew the girl's grandmother was coming to see her. But the decision is hers. I did propose the possibility of her going up after Christmas an spending the new year with him if she wanted.
I wonder who they think is going to bring her since I do not plan on driving 12 hrs round trip by myself to take her there and come back.

I'll keep you posted!

Monday, November 07, 2005

Contrast in climates

Today is such a beautiful fall day. It's a temperate 70-somthing degrees and I feel great.

I had a good time raking thatch this weekend (and if you believe that I have a bridge that I would like to sell you;-) Actually, My big beautiful bearded collie, Winston and I went for a lovely drive with the wind flipping our hair in the breeze.

Here at work, we are going thru our annual justify-yourself-and-your-entire- existence exercise otherwise know as self-appraisals.

I don't know why we bother since we already know there will be so many exceeds consistently, exceeds, and so on down the evolutionary scale. All I can do is to take comfort in the fact that, considering the circumstances of my life, I did the best that I could do this year.

My son, David is beginning a new job today and learning a new skill. I told him that sometimes when God appears to take something away from you and you have to do something else to survive, you're adding to your skillset and thus making yourself more marketable. He looked at me like I had grown 2 heads or something.

My daughter is alternately working hard at school or freaking out depending on her workload. I often tell her that she needs balance, but I guess it's easy for me to say since I mostly do the same thing.
Parenting is hard work especially since I have adopted a handsoff policy. I mean, I'll be there for emergencies, etc. but I really would like to see a bit more independence in her.
She tries, but it's been hard for her since she has had a series of unfortunate events happen to her: Freshman year- she had the whole blood disorder contracted from food poisoning thing that almost killed her. Sophomore year- she remained in remission after a year from the blood disorder only to have the doctors diagnose her with a challenging heart disorder that severely limits her activities and may soon require a defribrillator implant.
Junior year- her insulin levels are elevated resulting in a skin disorder that neither one of us can pronounce.

How do you tell your child that everything will work out when each time she tries to stand on her own feet, she gets a punch in the stomach? She's only 20 now and has been going thru this since age 18.

I welcome any positive comments.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Sunday was my Birthday

Sunday was a special day for me.....It was my spiritual birthday. I re-affirmed my faith by being baptized again. The first time I did it, I was a child and I was sprinkled as a young Catholic girl. As I have lived my life and learned new things, I came to realize that the Baptist church suited me better.

I have found a church that feels like home for the first time in my life. It's not because of the pastor, although I love my pastor. And it's not the pastor's wife, although I love her too. It's not even the members because they are not perfect.
I believe that it's because it is a BIBLE based church and the leadership has integrity and genuinely want to do the Lord's work with a spirit of excellence. I feel the presence of the Lord in everything that's done in His name.

If you don't believe me or are curious, come worship with us. We are New Beginnings Community Church, Lawyers Rd., Charlotte NC. Worship hrs are Sunday- 830 am and 1100 am; Tuesday bible study 730 pm.

Monday, February 28, 2005

I haven't posted in a while

I've been sick with this miserable virus for the past few days. I haven't had a lot of energy for anything including posting. I wanted to have some time off to myself, but this wasn't what I planned. It began as a scratchy throat and a cough. From there everything went downhill:-(
There is hope though, this too will pass. Thru the nasal passages, thru the stomach and bowels. Ha! Ha!

Sunday, February 20, 2005

My new love Posted by Hello

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Boy, how time flies

I cannot believe how quickly time has flown. I have been very busy doing my normal routine: work, school, church, saving the world.
Well, just kidding about that last one. Sometimes it feels like it. Last Thursday was ridiculous.
I walked in the door Thursday evening only to discover a friend had called because she was having a panic attack. We talked and prayed together. When I left her she was enjoying an aromatheraputic bath surrounded by inspirational music.
I went to a meeting and when I came back in I checked on her as promised only to find out that she was finally able to rest. Yay!
I went to bed, but for some reason, couldn't sleep. I decided to get up and post my paper on the digital dropbox.
This was at 1:30am, people. When I heard this tremendous crash on my front porch, followed by this urgent pounding.
My dog was going nuts and I don't mind saying that I was scared. I asked who it was only to find out that it was my next door neighbor.
she came over screaming some incoherent, disjointed stuff about her brother going crazy and having a heart attack. She went on about the phone was off the hook and he pushed her down.
She was in her underwear and had her grandson with her. He was in a pajama bottom with no shoes or shirt.
I am wondering why she didn't put the phone on the hook.
We called 911 and while we're waiting, she casually mentions that her brother was using something and starting complaining about chest pains and he was going to die.
EMS took him to the local county hospital and she went home. I stayed with her until her family came to be with her. I think I finally got to bed about 4 am.
He came home the next day and was "resting comfortably".
I haven't seen nor heard from either one of them since. Some how I think I would prefer not to since it seems like one continuing saga after another with them.

Friday, January 14, 2005

Kristina Dorothy

This morning it was my privilege to coach a friend through the birth of her first child. Little Kristina Dorothy was born at 2:37am today. She weighed in at 4lbs., 11oz., and 16 3/4" long. Mother and daughter are both fine.

As I watched Aleshia do this work, this labor. I had an ah- ha moment. Some people more eloquent than I might call it an epiphany. The instant the baby drew her first breath; I saw the face of God. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Aeryn and John get married Posted by Hello

I've been very busy

....for the past few days, I have had a full plate. Still no baby, yay!!! Tuesday was Bible study. It ran over, but we are learning biblical principles on handling wealth. I am grateful to receive the knowledge even if it's late in my life. Thank you, God!

School began Monday as well and I have already had one quiz. Wow!!!!!

Sunday, January 09, 2005

This weekend has been wild!

This has been an absolutely wild weekend. Friday morning before I left for work, I received a phone call from my buddy Aleisha letting me know that she had gone into labor.
So I rush over there and we drive to the hospital. She was actually in labor at 35 weeks into her pregnancy. I spent all day at the hospital Friday; Saturday I went to new member classes, then to the hospital, Sunday was church, Sunday school, Greensboro to take my daughter back to school. Lisa didn't want me to come to the hospital because I am her coach and she wants me fresh for the event.
But she's had a lot of company this week: Nilsa, Natalie, Pam, Allyson, her stepson and his mother, Uncle Larry, Jim and a whole cast of characters.
I hope little Christina Dorothy is born soon and in the best of health.
On another note, I made a potential friend at new members' class in church on Saturday. She just called me and we had a nice conversation. I hope I helped her, I know she inspired me.
I'm very tired and Monday's are hardest for me. Goodnite all.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

"I seem tense? I'll show you tense!" - Aeryn Posted by Hello
This is a nice picture of Aeryn and John. Weeeeee! Posted by Hello

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Touched By an Angel

Does anyone remember the show Touched By an Angel besides me? I loved that show, I was watching the Hallmark channel tonight and they played a two part episode called I Will Walk With You.
Monica is the year fledgling angel who is sent to a town called Ascension somewhere in the western part of the US. Ascension is a town without future because of a horrific accident; all of the town's children were killed in a boiler explosion at the one school.
Enter Monica and a young, handsome drifter(Zake)who just happens to be a, you guessed it, carpenter. Coincidently, this same carpenter was spotted in the town a year prior in the school.
The plot was so obvious, but Zack was accused of the horrible mass murder of the 46 children and was sentenced to consecutive life sentences.
Before he could be shipped to the state prison, he was told by Monica that she was an angel and would like to be his angel for the rest of her life. (It was expected to be short one, because he wasn't expected to survive the appeal process). Inmates and the most hardened criminals have their standarsd, I guess.
The net ressult was that the boiler was tampered with by a mentally challenged man who was told to trun up the boiler so the basement kitties would stay warm. Zake, in the meantime, had disappeared from the jail.

This was the last episode and I think they ended on a nice note. I loved this show and I'm greatful for reruns! Happy new year everyone!