Monday, March 27, 2006

South Beach progress report


I lost 12 lbs in the first 5 days and spent about $100 weekly for food trying to buy raw foods.
I went away for a weekend and slipped. I had no idea how hard it is to find food you can eat on the road.
We left NC about 5:30 am without doing more than swallowing some juice. I reached the VA border around 8:45. We stopped at Arnold's Diner (yes there is one) but they didn't have any Canadian bacon which is the only type I am allowed to eat. So I ate regular pre diet breakfast.
Later, when we reached our destination, I had a slice of home made apple pie (made with Splenda) and a grilled chicken salad.
The following morning, we all went to IHOP for breakfast where I had pancakes, eggs, bacon and juice.
The Monday following our trip, my cravings came back bigger and better than ever. It started with an innocent jolly rancher, then two , then three... (insert theme from Jaws)
To date , I regained 5 of my 12 lb loss and have not yet been able to get beyond phase one.
I'm not giving up though and neither should you!