Wednesday, January 18, 2006

salute to MLK boondocks style

I found this on It operated on the premise that instead of dying, MLK remained in a coma for 40 years. When he awoke, he was truly disappointed with the state of Black America.
Some of you may be offended by the use of the N-word.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I have 2 words for you...oral surgery

I have been under the weather. Friday, Jan 6th I left work early because I had an asthma attack. I took my breathing treatment and shot in the ehinnie like a big girl and went home to rest.
The following Monday, I was in pain so I called my dentist and asked to come in. I had a filling (I thought)fall out earlier.
My dentist looked and said the tooth could not be saved and referred me to an oral surgeon.
As it turned out the tooth had cracked below the gumline and was abcessed. The roots went into the sinus cavity.
Can I tell you that flexible spending accounts are the best thing that I've done for me in a while?
I ended up taking the entire week off. As my friend Lena put it, I looked like I was in a fight and lost.
Today is my first day back and I'm leaving early to have the stitches removed.
Can you say ouch somebody?

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Season premiere of 24

Today at work we began a discussion of the new season of our favorite tv shows. The odds on favorite is , of course, 24.
We are all so very excited by Keifer Sutherland's recognition in the form of the Golden Globe Award. Yay, Keifer! Big props, man!

So in honor of Keifer and crew. Here's a clip of the Season 5 teaser as provided by Fox and