Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Sunday was my Birthday

Sunday was a special day for me.....It was my spiritual birthday. I re-affirmed my faith by being baptized again. The first time I did it, I was a child and I was sprinkled as a young Catholic girl. As I have lived my life and learned new things, I came to realize that the Baptist church suited me better.

I have found a church that feels like home for the first time in my life. It's not because of the pastor, although I love my pastor. And it's not the pastor's wife, although I love her too. It's not even the members because they are not perfect.
I believe that it's because it is a BIBLE based church and the leadership has integrity and genuinely want to do the Lord's work with a spirit of excellence. I feel the presence of the Lord in everything that's done in His name.

If you don't believe me or are curious, come worship with us. We are New Beginnings Community Church, Lawyers Rd., Charlotte NC. Worship hrs are Sunday- 830 am and 1100 am; Tuesday bible study 730 pm.