Saturday, May 26, 2007

More stuff

I was thinking about a comment that a friend of mine made to my mother. She said that I was always the adventurous one and she usually just went along with me. We both usually got into trouble because we broke the rules, the curfew, the something.

Anyway, I remember as a child and then an adolescent having lots of rules. They never seemed to end. I don't remember consciously thinking about it, but the world seemed to be too small to contain me. So I was always rattling my cage. That's exactly how I felt, as though I was in a cage. Hence my rebellion, I never felt as though I had the power to affect my world.

When I finally burst free, the new world I fell into was so big and scary. There were no safety nets, so I felt as though I had to succeed. My mother had always said don't be in such a hurry to get out there.....and once you're out there's no coming back.
My relationship with my mother and stepfather was problematical at best. I wouldn't want to go back into time or anything like that.

I don't really know why I've been thinking about all that anyway. What's done is done.
Anyway, I'm just chilling here thinking about all this stuff for no particular reason. Just wondering if I'm actually free and was it worth it.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

no title just stuff

Ok, I can finally say it out loud. I was dumped! and it was done so smoothly too. At this writing, I am looking for something to occupy my mind.
I thought I met Mr. Right, instead he was Mr. Unable To Tell the Truth and Commit. Well, it didn't go with my first name anyway. (smile)

Imani introduced me to a page about a new movie coming out in the winter called "the Golden Compass". I won't bore you with a long description, but I took an online test to find out who my daemon was. (they're always your opposite genders and embody your personal characteristics).

Anyway, my guy's name is Nithreus. He's a tiger. Why don't people see me as that in real life, hmmm?
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