Tuesday, December 21, 2004

I was just thinking....

The other day I went to church. We had a guest speaker who took his message from Mk 6:1. -A prophet receives no honor in his home.
The gist of his message was to do whatever it is you are supposed to do as though God is looking and talking about you to his friends,"That's my boy or that's my girl!"
Later I had a conversation with a friend to whom I confessed- "I don't know that I do anything particularly well except speak." She said she felt the same about her talents. The comment astounded me because I see her as very talented.
Let me tell you about her. My friend has a kind heart. She is one of the most accepting people I know as far as other peoples proclivities. She doesn't gossip nor is she a backbiter. She has a wonderfully satirical sense of humor, she's imaginative, and is very loyal. She is somewhat shy until she feels comfortable with you. She's always there with a kind word or a kick in the ass ; whatever you need the most. That's why I like her. I tried to imagine what my life would be without her in it. Definitely poorer. That's my buddy Resa. Check her out at resathoughts@blogspot.com

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