Monday, June 01, 2009

Respite care

Today was my mother's first day at adult day care. I dropped her off this morning and left. She was not too happy about my leaving her there. This place is not just for seniors; it's also for people who have had strokes or people who are developmentally delayed.

When I picked her up at four, she told me she wasn't going back. I asked why and she said she just sat all day. I told her that she had to go because I had to work and my daughter needed to look for work. Then she said she was hungry. I found out later that she didn't eat lunch. Not because it wasn't served, but because she ate a late breakfast and wasn't hungry at lunch time. She did eat her snack, though.

Over dinner, she told me all about how she connected with several ladies and she helped people. The director of the program called me and mentioned that he observed her interactions with the rest of the participants and thought she did well.

I did mention that the director called and mentioned she had a good day. She laughed apparently pleased by all this interest. Then she said she would go again but not everyday. Good thing I signed her up for Monday, Wednesday and Friday's!

My daughter had the opportunity to have a driving lesson and we went shopping and picked up some extra things for mom to wear.

I am praying that this works out as I return to work next week. oh-oh. She's sundowning again. I was hoping that we wouldn't a bad night tonite. *shoot*

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