Saturday, December 17, 2005

Sometimes it's just good to be.....

I'm not really planning on doing a whole lot today. In fact, after I get off work, I will probably just go home and chill for the rest of the evening. I had all these plans of running a zillion errands, but frankly I am tired.

Anyway, Christmas will be very light this year in terms of gifts. But you know what, I really am okay with that. And if any expectant recipient of my largesse is disappointed, that's okay too.

Since October, I have been working non-stop to take care of a tax problem that I have. So I took a part-time job to raise additional funds. As always, when you try to save life happens. This time life appeared in the form of my furnace going out. Fortunately it could be repaired but I will need to replace it this year.

Reflectively speaking, it's been an eventful year (hot water heater died, child's heart condition and pre-diabetic condition diagnosed, loss of tuition money, fractured ankle and loss of pay, etc...). I'm glad it's almost over and grateful for the perspective I've gained. But when all is said and done, today I'm just tired.

Sometimes it's just good to be.....

Merry Christmakwaanzahanukah to all!!!!

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