Wednesday, March 21, 2007

More drabbles from a Y rat

I am still going strong on the exercise front. This week I added something new, water aerobics and it's great. (so far I've lost 10 lbs.- 50 more to go)
Now, I can't swim well, but you don't really need to because we're in water that is not more than neck high. The only danger I'm in is if I fall off my noodle!
A noodle, for those of you not in the know, is a foam cylindrically shaped-er noodle. If you wrap it under your arms or ride it like a bike, it keeps you afloat.

We had bicycle races across the pool sometimes using hands and feet; sometimes just using feet. I got a real workout. I began to feel like I could swim until I forgot and actually tried to. Splash! Imagination met reality as I fell off my noodle.

The 55 minute session followed by a shower and 10 minutes in the sauna left me feeling as pampered as if I went to an expensive spa. The YMCA, who knew?

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