Monday, February 06, 2006

New Year Resolutions

Every year I make a resolution to do several things different and every year I fail. Why? Because new year resoulutions are meant to be made on January 1 and broken by January 27! This year I lasted until February 1st.

This year I resolved to: eat better so I could lose weight, excercise more by taking my dog Winston for long walks, to manage my money better by creating an emergency fund for emergencies, to clean up my credit so that I can be a better steward of what I have been blessed with.

Of course eating out all the time has little to do with eating healthy. Winston, my bearded collie, likes to pull, sniff and pee on every bush in creation. There is a problem with irresponsible owners who ignore the leash laws in our community, so Fluffy feels free to snarl at me and my dog while we're walking and minding our own business.

My emergency fund plan lasted 2 pay periods when I had, you guessed it, an emergency! I am in the process of refinancing my house so that I can afford to live like a human being again. (Don't every get an ARM- that's for another tale)

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting different results. I'm not insane, but something is definitely not right.

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